Have you seen garlands draped over fireplaces or above doorways or across walls commemorating different holidays?
Today we are sewing a decorative 6ft long heart garland.

Heart garland is decorative for Valentines Day or any occasion.
Once you see how easy it is to sew, you will want to use different shapes and make garlands for nurseries, holidays, and to accessorize your living room decorations etc.
Initial Instructions:
- 1. First, Ribbon is what we use to make the garland. The ribbon color and texture is your choice. Use ¼” ribbon. Cut the ribbon 7 ft 1 inch long.
- This allows for loops on each end of the garland. The loops are to hang the garland.
- 2. Second, I use calico fabrics with different prints on each side of the heart design. (This makes for an interesting and colorful garland.)
- 3. Next take a piece of notebook paper, or typing paper or butcher paper and draw your heart pattern. If you cut out an 10 inch square first. Then draw your heart pattern inside the square making the heart 8 inches.
- Now use this for your pattern for all your hearts.
- 4.Then position the hearts 9 inches apart from each other on the 6 ft ribbon. Measure the hearts from the center of the heart 9 inches to the center of the next heart. Cut 14 hearts that will make 7 hearts for the garland.
- 5. Then use starch or seizing on the 14 hearts you have cut out. (This will make them stiff so they will stand up well when sewn to the ribbon.)
- 6. Next put two hearts of different material together with right sides out.
- 7. Then using polyester stuffing, stuff the hearts before sewing together. You only want them a little stuffed, not pillows.
- 8. Next sew a ¼” seam on the outside of the stuffed hearts all around the edge. Sew completely around all of the heart. Now that you have already stuffed the heart, therefore; there is NO reason to leave a part of it to be hand sewn.
- 9. Now do the same procedure to the other 12 hearts. (Instructions 6,7, and 8) Be sure and make all the hearts before you sew them on the ribbon.
Putting the Garland Together:
- 10. Now you are ready to sew the hearts to the ribbon. The first heart, sew15 ½ inches from the end of the ribbon.
- 11. Then lay the hearts out on the ribbon and measure before you pin and sew. Sew the hearts to the ribbon every 9 inches apart leaving 15 1/2” at each end. Remember to measure the 9 inches from the center of each heart.
- 12. With the 15 ½” on each end, fold 6 ½” towards the hearts. This makes a loop in the ribbon to give you a place to hang the garland. But hand sew the loop as it is easier than such a small machine stitch.
You now have your finished six foot garland to hang-up in your room. Remember only your imagination limits your garlands. You could do teddy bears and blocks and cats for a nursery or…
And you also can cut the patterns with pinking shears and make a cute edge.
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