Items you will need:
- Sewing machine
- Thread to match the blouse
- Sewing pins
- Elastic
How to measure the Alteration:
- You will need a friend to help pinch the back of the blouse until it fits tightly against you back with the sleeves off your shoulder.
How to Sew the Alteration on the off-the-shoulder blouse:
- With right sides together where you pinned the back of the blouse stitch a diagonal line from the top towards the bottom of the shirt.
- The line will look similar to a dart.
- This will allow the bottom of the shirt to keep the full flow but the top of the back will be snug.
- Iron the top of the blouse so that the flap is flat.
- Now take the elastic and hold on to the end of it at the left shoulder seam. Then stretch the elastic to the right shoulder seam and hold it tight.
- So now you will cut the elastic to the size you stretched it. Don’t be surprised if the length is no more than 2 inches.
- Now starting at the left shoulder seam sew the elastic to the shirt at the neck pulling the elastic tight as you sew.
- Be sure and sew pulling the elastic towards the bottom of the shirt but keep the elastic at the top. You do this to make the elastic not show at the top when you finish.
- Continue sewing and stretching the elastic all the way to the right shoulder seam. You should be out of elastic by now.
- Cut your threads and…you are finished.
The blouse will fit tightly on the back but hang as you would like in the front.
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