How To Make Wax Scented Bears

Making wax scented bears is a fun project to do with your older children because of the heat involved melting the wax. These bears are great for a room scent and have your house smelling wonderful. I found essential oils that are Christmas scents, so your house can smell like Christmas with your scented bears, all year long.

left bear wax right bear fur
464 Wax

Items you need:

  1. Bears
  2. Wax
  3. Essential oils
  4. Double boiler
  5. Parchment paper
  6. Plastic bags
  7. Comb
Essential Oils (Christmas scents)

How to make wax bears:

  1. Melt 2 cups wax in double boiler
  2. Add one bottle of essential oil
  3. Stir
  4. Make sure ur wax is approx 165 deg F to handle
  5. Submerge your bear in the wax completely
  6. Saturate the bear with the wax
  7. Squeeze excess wax off the bear
  8. Place bear on the parchment paper on a cookie sheet
  9. Comb the fur and fluff it
  10. Let dry for 24 hours
  11. Add a ribbon around the bears neck
  12. Put inside plastic bag and tie closed. (This will keep the scent in for gift giving)
Wax Bear fits in a sandwich bag but cellophane bag would be prettier (size comparison)

Now you are ready to gift the bears. 2 cups of wax make 3 tiny 3.5″ bears. This size bear fits in a zip lock sandwich bag size. You can buy cellophane bags for a more decorative gift bag.

I hope you enjoy making these wax scented bears. Please leave any questions or comments in the comment form.

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