How to Make A Handkerchief Memory

handkerchief wreath

Did your mother have a collection of anything when you were young? My mother had a handkerchief collection. Now that may be odd for today’s times, but handkerchiefs were what women carried during my mother’s era. The handkerchiefs were so graceful and colorful and often dainty. She gave me one when I was little and I kept it til I wore it out. It was perfectly white with lace around the edges and had shear on the handkerchief center. I wrapped my glass baby doll in it and loved to just feel the softness and the elegance was mesmerizing.

Now how do you take those memories and hold on to them when you have grown up?

You make a wreath out of the handkerchiefs…and have a display of my mother’s beautiful collection that carries into this century.

Items needed:

  1. Metal wreath
  2. Handkerchiefs

How to make a Handkerchief Wreath:

  1. First take the Metal wreath and place it on a flat surface
  2. Then tie the handkerchiefs to the metal frame arranging them as you wish.
  3. Finally, you have a Handkerchief Memory Wreath.

Now you have a wreath that has meaning and is attractive to put on show…

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